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| class Solution(object): def solveSudoku(self, board): """ :type board: List[List[str]] :rtype: None Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead.
""" def dfs(usedCol, usedRow, usedGrid, col, row): if col == 9: col = 0 row += 1 if row == 9: print(board) return True if board[row][col] != '.': if dfs(usedCol, usedRow, usedGrid, col + 1, row): return True else: for i in range(9): if not usedRow[row][i] and not usedCol[col][i] and not usedGrid[row // 3][col // 3][i]: usedRow[row][i] = True usedCol[col][i] = True usedGrid[row // 3][col // 3][i] = True board[row][col] = str(i + 1) if dfs(usedCol, usedRow, usedGrid, col + 1, row): return True board[row][col] = '.' usedRow[row][i] = False usedCol[col][i] = False usedGrid[row // 3][col // 3][i] = False return False
usedCol = [[False] * 9 for i in range(9)] usedRow = [[False] * 9 for i in range(9)] usedGrid = [[[False] * 9 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if board[i][j] != '.': num = ord(board[i][j]) - ord('1') usedRow[i][num] = True usedCol[j][num] = True usedGrid[i // 3][j // 3][num] = True
dfs(usedCol, usedRow, usedGrid, 0, 0)