leetcode 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height

Suppose you have a random list of people standing in a queue. Each person is described by a pair of integers (h, k)
, where h
is the height of the person and k
is the number of people in front of this person who have a height greater than or equal to h
. Write an algorithm to reconstruct the queue.
The number of people is less than 1,100.
1 | Input: |
1 | class Solution(object): |
比如说,[[7,0], [4,4], [7,1], [5,0], [6,1], [5,2]],那最先开始,我们需要对[7,0],[7,1]来排序,
此时, ans = [[7, 0], [7, 1]]
接下来对[5, 0], [5, 2]进行排序:
- 对[5, 0], 需要插入在ans的第0个位置, 得到ans = [[5,0] ,[7, 0], [7, 1]]
- 对[5, 2], 需要插入到ans的第2个位置, 得到ans = [[5, 0], [7, 0], [5, 2], [7, 1]]
and so on …